Bread Whose Name Comes From Sanskrit- See Here

Dear readers, do you want to know the word- bread whose name comes from Sanskrit, what is the word for bread in Sanskrit or bread whose name comes from sanskrit crossword clue so you are welcome here. 

Yes here we are answering your question. Also if you are interested in learning Sanskrit language, you can learn it easily here as a lot of material to learn and speak Sanskrit is available on this website. 

You can freely consume it. First of all, let us give the answer or explain the question- bread whose name comes from Sanskrit

bread whose name comes from Sanskrit

as you may know Sanskrit is world’s most scientific language also called the mother of all languages as its so old. The crossword bread originally comes or derives from Sanskrit. In Sanskrit there is most popular word for bread is- ROTI or ROTIKA but also there are other synonyms for bread in Sanskrit language. As you may know that only for a word there are  thousands or hundreds of words in Sanskrit. This is the best quality of Sanskrit language.


Dear readers, if you want to learn & speak Sanskrit language easily you can or must join our whatsapp group that’s for learning Sanskrit language freely online at home.

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You must learn Sanskrit language because of in Sanskrit there are most scientific scriptures, texts, books as astro, vastu, veda, upanishadas, geeta, yoga etc.


Dear visitors, in today’s article we provided the answer of your question- bread whose name comes from Sanskrit, bread whose name derives from the sanskrit for bread crossword, bread whose name comes from sanskrit crossword clue etc. for more about crossword clue Sanskrit go to the menu section of this website.

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