All About The Comptroller & Auditor General Of India

All About The Comptroller & Auditor General Of India

Do you know who is the current CAG of our country? If you know the answer then it's good. If you don’t then don’t worry as through this article along with this piece of information we will find out not just this piece of information but much more. Therefore, make sure that you go through the article thoroughly to not miss out on any detail related to the Comptroller & Auditor General of India. 

Articles 148-151 of the Constitution of India deal with the establishment of the CAG of India. In 1971, the central government enacted the Comptroller and Auditor General of India (Commitments, Commands, and Circumstances of Service) Act, 1971. In 1976, CAG was divested from accounting operations. Besides reading about the CAG of India, do also read about the mid-day meal scheme of India. Now, let's get back to reading more informational and intriguing facts about India’s Comptroller and Auditor General.

Facts Related To The Comptroller & Auditor General Of India

The points below hold some fascinating details related to the CAG of India. Make sure that you read the points attentively.

  • The Comptroller and Auditor General of India are the constitutional authorities in India, established under article 148. 

  • Articles 148, 149, 150, and 151 describe the functions and authorities of this post. 

  • They are entrusted to audit all permits and expenses of the Government of India and the State Governments, including those of autonomous bodies and corporations substantially financed by the government. 

  • The CAG is also the statutory auditor of government-owned corporations and conducts an extra audit of government companies in which the government has an equity stake of a minimum of 51% or associate companies of existing government companies.

  • The information of the CAG is laid before the parliament/legislatures and is being taken up for argument by the public accounts committees (PACs) and committees on public undertakings (COPUs), which are certain in the parliament of India and the state legislatures. 

  • The CAG is also the head of the Indian Audit and Accounts Department, the affairs of which are managed by the officers of the Indian Audit and Accounts Service, and as of 1st March 2020, it has 43,576 employees across the country.

  • The Comptroller and Auditor-General of India are appointed by the President and are tagged 9th.

  • A CAG relishes the exact status as a sitting judge of the Supreme Court of India in order of preeminence. 

  • The former Lt. Governor of Jammu Kashmir G.C. Murmu is the present CAG of India. He is India’s 14th CAG and he accepted the office on 8th August 2020. Before him, Rajiv Mehrishi took the CAG post on 25 September 2017.

  • The salary and other requirements of service of the CAG are resolved by the Parliament of India through the Comptroller and Auditor-General Act, 1971.
  • His salary is the same as that of a judge of the Supreme court of India. Neither his salary nor rights in respect of leave of absence, pension, or the age of retirement can be varied to his disfavor after his appointment. 

  • The CAG is not qualified for further office either under the Government of India or under the Government of any State after he has discontinued holding his office.  These provisions are to ensure the independence of the CAG.

  • The CAG can be terminated only on an address from both houses of parliament on the ground of established mischief or incapacity. 

  • The CAG leaves the office upon attaining the age of 65 years or a 6-year term, whichever is before or by impeachment proceedings.

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